Approach to the perception and traditional knowledge of beetles (insecta: coleoptera) in the municipality of Miraflores, Boyacá




Beetles, ethnoentomology, traditional knowledge, Colombia


The order Coleoptera is one of the most diverse invertebrate groups on the planet with nearly 400,000 species, distributed in almost all known natural regions. Thanks to their wide diversity, the relationships between these insects and humans have been studied and documented for years. In the context of ethnoentomology, beetles have had a wide participation in the cultural interactions of humans, from their use as a food source, to their use as a medicinal resource, to their inclusion in numerous ancient and recent cultural works from different parts of the world. This research focuses on the traditional knowledge and the perception of the community of the municipality of Miraflores about beetles, through open and semitructured interviews. The inhabitants of the municipality recognize beetles in their daily lives and identify some of their ecological functions. From isolated information on their specific knowledge and traditional use, it is possible to show that in Miraflores, there is no established culture on the knowledge of insects and especially coleoptera. This highlights the need to carry out studies on traditional knowledge, such as entomotherapy and entomophagy, in this region of the country.


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