Preliminary list of Scolytinae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from Tucumán Province (additions and corrections) and their host plants from Argentina
records, species, northwest, traps, manual collectionAbstract
An updated list of the species of Scolytinae recorded in the province of Tucumán is presented, together with their associated host plants and distribution in Argentina. Corrections and additions of species present in Tucumán are included, as well as their synonymy and worldwide distribution. The data come from the consulted bibliography and from direct and indirect sampling using modified Lindgren-type traps and others constructed with plastic bottles. The species of Argentine host plants are listed, along with the corresponding citation and the province where the discovery occurred.Five new records of Scolytinae for the province of Tucumán, two for Argentina and 16 of host plants are incorporated.For the species Cnesinus hispidus Eggers, 1943; Hylocurus giganteus Schedl, 1950; Phloeotribus asperulus Eggers, 1943 and Phloeotribus subovatus, Blandford 1897, the first records of hosts worldwide are presented.References
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