Ensembles of beetles (Coleoptera) attracted to carrion in an artificial forest result of the urbanization in the Protected Natural Area Sierra de Guadalupe in central Mexico





carrion trap, Estado de México, Coacalco, Sierra de Guadalupe, necrophilous


The ensembles of beetles and the seasonal distribution of diversity attracted to carrion in an artificial forest result of the urbanization of the Protected Natural Area Sierra de Guadalupe in central Mexico was studied. Monthly samples were collected from June 2017 to May 2018 using four carrion traps type NTP-80. A total of 3,434 individuals belonging to17 families and 58 species were collected, of which 13 were identified to the species level and 45 to morphospecies. The species estimators suggest that was registered between 77.3% (Chao 1) and 80.5% (ACE) of the species. The familiesStaphylinidae, Silphidae, Carabidae, Leiodidae, Histeridae and Nitidulidae grouped 95.8% of the total abundance and 67.2% of the species. The family Staphylinidae was the higher richness with 21 species, the remaining had less than five species, of which the family Silphidae was the most important with four species, and represented the necrophagous guilt which was the second most abundant making up 21% of all beetles collected after the predators (62%). The diversity was higher in rainy than in drought season, the faunistic similarity between seasons was low (J=0.37), with 32 species exclusive of rainy and four of drought season. In the area inhabit wide-ranging species adapted to perturbation conditions, an endemic species, and converge montane elements with species of semiarid environments, therefore, is important to maintain the connection of the artificial forest with the forest area in upper parts of the Sierra de Guadalupe, and conserve the fragments of xeric shrubland that are scarce in the basin of Mexican Valley, so as to mitigate the impact of theurbanization in the diversity of beetles associated to carrion.


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