Epistemic virtues and styles in the schematic representation of a character system: an essay on the exochorion of Papilionoidea (Insecta: Lepidoptera)





epistemic virtues, diagram, scientific illustration, character states, morphology, structure, eggs


An epistemological framework is given to evaluate the scientificity of Llorente-Bousquets and collaborators’ exochorionic images, understood as schematic representations of a system of morphological characters. The images are evaluated at the intersection of three units of analysis: styles, dimensions and epistemic virtues. They are analyzed according to: i) three styles: chirography, photography, and scanning electron microscope (SEM); ii) four virtues: Truth-to-Nature (TtN), Mechanical Objectivity (MO), Structural Objectivity (SO), and Trained Judgment (TJ). Two substyles of chirography are located: descriptive-realistic and ‘lettered schema’. The schema is interpreted as characteristica universalis, conceptography or direct representation of morphological concepts, of which provides a priori knowledge. The scientific nature of the image production process is analyzed and evaluated through the model ofepistemic virtues and a proposed extended version of it (D&G+).


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