An updated checklist of Mexican handsome fungus beetles - families Endomychidae, Anamorphidae and Eupsilobiidae (Polyphaga: Coccinelloidea), with new records from the Neotropical region




The list of species of fungus beetles families Endomychidae, Anamorphidae and Eupsilobiidae (Endomychidae sensu lato) in Mexico is updated. Fifty three species and two subspecies of Endomychidae, nine of Anamorphidae and two of Eupsilobiidae are reported. Bystus is the most diverse genus in Anamorphidae (4 spp.); Stenotarsus (23 spp.) is the most diverse genus in Endomychidae followed by Epipocus (21 spp.). Veracruz is the Mexican state with the highest diversity for the three families (31 Endomychidae spp., 5 Anamorphidae spp. and 1 Eupsilobiidae spp.), followed by Chiapas (17 Endomychidae spp.), Oaxaca (15 Endomychidae spp.) and Jalisco (13 Endomychidae spp.). Additionallly, first records for Mexican states and countries of the Neotropical region are provided. Stenotarsus lemniscatus Gorham is recorded from Belize, S. mexicanus Arriaga-Varela et al. from Belize, Epipocus alvaradi Strohecker from El Salvador, E. manni Strocheker from Honduras, E. punctatus LeConte from Nicaragua, Anidrytus compactus Strohecker from Ecuador and A. helvolus Gerstaecker from Argentina.


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