Odonates from the mountain cloud forest of Cuetzalan, Puebla, Mexico, with a key to imagoes (Insecta: Odonata)





Damselflies, dragonflies, Zygoptera, Anisoptera, faunistics, taxonomy


The odonates community from Cuetzalan and surroundings was studied through direct collections of adults in the years 2007 and 2009. Seventy-two species included in 37 genera and 11 families of the suborders Zygoptera and Anisoptera, were found, of which 19 species are new records for Puebla State. The collections efficiency was evaluated with three non-parametric estimators, reaching percentages of 82–98%. Phylogenetic diversity was calculated and compared to other two areas with cloud forest cover in the Northern Mountain Range in Puebla state and Hidalgo state, resulting more diverse that of Cuetzalan. An illustrated key to adult odonate species is provided.

Author Biography

Dr. Rodolfo Novelo Gutiérrez, Instituto de Ecología, A.C.

Red de Biodiversidad y SistemáticaInvestigador Titular "C"Investigador Nacional 2


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