Exochorionic representations in morphology and systematics of Lepidoptera: A historic-critic study about the styles of scientific images and epistemic virtues





history of entomology, microscopy, system of characters, morphology, epistemic virtues, eggs


A historical outline is provided about the pictorial representation of exochorions within Lepidoptera, in selected scientific treatises by prelinnean authors (Aldrovandi, Moffet, Hooke, Malphigi, Merian, Swammerdam, Harris, and Scudder),between 1602 and 1889. Subsequently, a selection of direct precedents in the research line of Llorente-Bousquets and cols. is referred to and commented upon, organized by their associated styles of production (chirography, photography andscanning electron microscope SEM), in order to compare and discuss their respective contributions to exochorionic studies of Papilionoidea (Insecta: Lepidoptera). The D&G+ model of epistemic virtues is revisited as a demarcation criterion for scientific images, to which two components are added: Natural-Objective Mode (MON) and Collaborative Principle of Representational Division of Labor (PCDTR). PCDTR is proposed as a general axiological meta-criterion in the epistemological analysis and evaluation of scientific images.


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