Updated key to the families and genera of Zygoptera larvae of Mexico (Insecta: Odonata)





Damselflies, Dichotomus key, Immature stages


An updated and illustrated key for the families and genera of odonate larvae inhabiting Mexico, is provided.

Author Biography

Dr. Rodolfo Novelo Gutiérrez, Instituto de Ecología, A.C.

Red de Biodiversidad y Sistemática Investigador Titular "C" Investigador Nacional 2


Dijkstra, K.-D., V.J. Kalkman, R.A. Dow, F.R. Stokvis and J. van Tol. 2014. Redefining the damselfly families: a comprehensive molecular phylogeny of Zygoptera (Odonata). Systematic Entomology, 39: 68-96.

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Novelo-Gutiérrez, R. 1997. Clave para la separación de familias y géneros de las náyades de Odonata de México. Parte 1. Zygoptera. Dugesiana, 4(1): 1-10.

Paulson, D.R. and E. González-Soriano. 2022. Mexican Odonata. Odonata of Mexico, by state. https://www2. pugetsound.edu/academics/academic-resources/slater-museum/biodiversity-resources/dragonflies/mexican-odonata/ Consultado el 5 de diciembre de 2022.

Román-Heracleo, J., R. Novelo-Gutiérrez and M. Springer. 2020. First description of the larva of Psaironeura, based on specimens of P. angeloi from Costa Rica (Odonata: Coenagrionidae: Protoneurinae), with a key to the genera of Central American Protoneurinae. International Journal of Odonatology, 23(2): 183-190.

Westfall, M.J. Jr. And M.L. May. 2006. Damselflies of North America. Scientific Publishers, Gainesville.




