Diversidad y dinámica poblacional de Scolytinae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) en plantaciones de palto y bosque natural circundante en el NW de Argentina





     The Scolytinae is group of widely distributed bark and ambrosial beetles that are capable of using a wide range of hosts. The study of its diversity allows estimating the richness and abundance of species and their population dynamics. Some species affect crops of commercial importance, causing for example a lethal vascular disease of trees in the Lauraceae family including avocado. The objective of this work is to show the diversity of species and their population dynamics in the main avocado producing area of Argentina. The adults were captured using ethanol traps, from November 2016 to February 2018. The climatic variables were measured; the diversity indices, the similarity index and the relative importance of the species were calculated. 39.086 specimens belonging to eight tribes were collected. Xyleborini was the best represented tribe. Cryptocarenus heveae (Hagedorn), Hypothenemus seriatus (Eichhoff, 1872), Monarthrum bicolor (Ferrari, 1867), Orthotomicus laricis (Fabricius, 1792) and Xyleborinus sentosus (Eichhoff, 1868), were new records for Tucumán province. Cnesinus hispidus Eggers, 1943, O. laricis, Euwallacea posticus (Eichhoff, 1869), Theoborus theobromae Hopkins, 1915 and X. sentosus were first recorded for the Lauraceae family. M. bicolor was new to the Persea americana Miller, 1768 var Hass species worldwide. The increase of temperature and rainfall were the factors that best explained the population fluctuations. The fauna of Scolytinae associated with the avocado agroecosystem and surrounding natural forests were similar, with the greatest difference in X. crassiusculus in natural forests forests. In general the species reported in this study were present during the entire year, increasing in abundance in relation to increases in rainfall and temperature; nonetheless it is necessary to consider the characteristics of the habitat to explain their population dynamics.


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