Distribución vertical y estacional de coleópteros (Coleoptera) en un bosque artificial de un área de conservación afectada por la urbanización en el centro de México





The differential distribution observed for beetles in vertical strata of forest, make important to consider this spatial dimensión in biodiversity studies and in the management of protected areas. The vertical and seasonal diversity were studied in an artifical forest in central of Mexico. Monthly samples for a year were collected, with flight intercep traps at different heights (1 and 5 m), and pitfall traps (0 m). A total of 456 individuals of 31 families and 126 morphospecies were collected. The highest richness and abundance was at 1 m, and the lower values in ground level. The diversity had significantly higher value in the canopy than in lower strata. The fauna was very different between strata, more than 70% correspond to rare species and with height preference, therefore the spatial turnover was responsible for most of the beta diversity, the stratum at 1 m contributed with the higher number of species and individuals. The abundance and species richness diminished with drought, except in the ground level where this values were constants. Among the families and subfamilies with the highest species richness and abundance, highlighted by being indicators of some stratum according to their indicator value (IndVal): Carabidae at 0 m, Chrysomelidae, Melolonthinae y Latriididae at 1 m, Bruchinae and Aleocharinae at 5 m. The fungivores, predators and saprophagous grouped to 25 of 31 families. The different trophic guilds also showed a stratification and in some cases its vertical distribution changed wiht the season of the year. In general, the richness of morphospecies and families was more similar to the observed in the temperated forest, however, the estimators suggested that a higher richness could exist.




