About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Dugesiana is an entomological diffusion journal. Originals articles, scientific notes, essays and reviews are published. The research must have been done in America, in the neotropical region preferably.

Peer Review Process

All manuscripts received will be reviewed by the Editorial Committee, these can be rejected without the need for peer evaluation, if it is considered that they do not comply with the theme of the journal or with its quality. Thus, the authors will obtain a prompt response without having to wait for the entire review process. Manuscripts that pass the previous stage will be evaluated by double-blind peers, sent to two specialists closely related to the subject of the submitted work. In case of differences, it will be submitted to a third reviewer. Based on the opinions, the decision will be made to:

  • Accept send
  • Publishable with modifications
  • Resend for review Forward to another post
  • Not publishable

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Manuscripts submitted for publication in Dugesiana must be unpublished and relevant research results in the study of entomology.

Authors must abide by high standards of publication. Plagiarism, falsification or fabrication of data, including the double publication of own works without the appropriate references, are not practices accepted by the Dugesiana journal, which reserves the right to use anti-plagiarism software in the review of manuscripts.

Authors must submit a signed commitment letter, prior to the publication of their article, in which they will declare that their work has not been published or is in the process of being published in another national or foreign broadcasting agency.

Journal History

1994. Dugesiana’s first volume is published. One single issue was published in October.


1996. Volume 3, issue 2. Journal’s printed version gets published by first time with ISSN. ISNN 1405-4094


2006. Format changed to letter-size.


2007. Dugesiana gets into the website http://dugesiana.cucba.udg.mx/.


2007. Digital version's SSN is obtained. ISSN: 2007-9133.


2015. Files transfer to the Open Journal System platform is started. This is in process yet.


Website: http://www.revistascientificas.udg.mx/index.php/DUG